Monday, April 28, 2008

Procrastination :)

So it's currently 12:30am here and I'm sitting in my room attempting to right five synopses for theology class by tomorrow morning but its not going well. I don't know why I have such a hard sitting down and focusing for long periods of time. I just hate it because I would much rather be talking to someone or hanging out with someone doing something fun. Wouldn't you? My counselor told me he thinks I have ADD which is probably true but that doesn't help much with the focusing for school. So for now I'm going to keep waiting until the last minute to write papers and procrastinate way too much. Hopefully in the future this will get a lot better but we will see :) But I do have to say that at least I'm not stressed out about it like usual so I am making some progress. But besides that life is good and I'm enjoying what I'm doing.

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